Hit the play button.
Sunday, April 19, 2009 @ 10:21 PM:
Haix, i should say that it's not easy to drive on roads after all, tried helping the rest to reach back their home and ended up i can't go back home. How sad it was to sit on the car for nearly 2 hours going round and round like some joker and even though i didn't drank much on tw's birthday i was about to vomit in the cab from the car sickness. And the midnight charge is really frightening i should say. Anyway next time if i manage to pass driving i would get myself a gps before i venture off to unknown streets. Seriously.
so come on, tell me.
Saturday, April 18, 2009 @ 3:07 AM:
Sometimes it's so tiring trying to reach out to my friends and yet it's not reciprocated.
so come on, tell me.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009 @ 8:05 PM:
Haix, dismounting time really flies damn fast and it's back to mounting tml. Good thing is tml's gonna be my exact one year of service! Can't believe that i had alrdy done so much shit for the army and from now it's exactly 10 more months to go! Bad news is i gotta get a silver for my coming ippt the next thurs or i would have to stay back from RT, which is so crappish since saf says we are drawing combat pay. Combat pay so what i wouldn't have want it and just get me out of this stupid cnb. Recently i think i have been a loser now, trying to find seats to sit on the mrt. I won't mind if it's just a normal journey, like i've usually been standing when i go out to the town or city. But gg cnb alone is damn tiring enough. I'm tired of giving in to aunties for the seats and they show the cocky face thinking that they are seniors and they deserve the seat. Even sitting for 3/4 stops they also shuang lah. Nonsense sia.

Anyway today's training was so idiotic, making us wear iep suits as if we don't know how to wear clothes on. And the suit is disgustingly smelly and awful especially the mask where i was choked by the dusk and dirt inside making me having a headache now.. Fuck.
so come on, tell me.
Sunday, April 05, 2009 @ 10:38 PM:
Mhm. Perhaps it was a nice wkend spent tgt with my friends. Had a class dinner with my jc mates before hanging out at dlbo for a clubbing session. I knew myself that i can't hold liquor well but ended up still drinking which made me felt like puking out the whisky that i just drank. But ended up i went back quite late and freddy stayed over at my house for the night. Well this aftn, as usual i was late meeting edmund even though he alrdy prepared for it.. haha. Anyway i realised that the guys in my class are really much more physically fitter than me after serving ns. Most, or everyone of them can hit 9 mins run for their 2.4k, while me? i'm struggling to hit 11.4 mins for my next ippt! not to say 9 or 10 mins. Well, at least in jc i would at least hit 10 mins plus and now it's totally out of reach to me. Just what had my army unit turned me into?

Haix, 2 free alternative wkends is just too little to hang around with ppl around me. I just want MORE. I wanna meet my fatty CHIA =D.
so come on, tell me.
Saturday, April 04, 2009 @ 2:13 AM:
This could be one of the worse moments ever felt. Fuck me, scold me or whatever i deserve. Seems like there's nothing else i can handle properly. i just hate myself.
so come on, tell me.
Reach my prismic soul.


A proud member of 06A01.
Life sucks, for who i am.

Dreams that are unreachable,
when will they come true?
My fears...
Get rid of them all.


Unconditional Desires.
Get in uni, before i kill myself.
Taller, like the trees are.
Shooting stars, just like the everyday sunrise.
More time to spend, it's limited.
Rich, enough to spend all my wants.

The endless connections.
ahjing ahying ashley chinglee denise edmund eileen emily esther freddy guanzhou jack minghao jerome qiaoxuan ruiqin sabrina sayhoe serkee sharon shawn shirley suanwoo val weijian wenyan xiaoqian xiuhui gabriel clara teo clara chua jessie shangzhi phebe weiru jessie toh andy hweeying xueer

Mix the words up.
Nah, no tagboard. Perhaps some other day.

It took time to see.
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You have my thanks.
Blogskin created by Eclair-x.
Editted by myself.